More effective debt support for:
BanksAdvice AgenciesFinancial InstitutionsMortgage Brokers
Give your customers back control
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Help your customers get quick control of their debt and manage arrears
Debtsense offers immediate feedback on suitable debt management options and gives customers access to trusted solution providers such as Creditfix and Stepchange . We work with Experian to give use access to their trusted and secure open banking solutions and credit information.
Digital acquisition of customers
Let your customers apply for lending or advice products with a simple and secure app that guides them through the open banking process. Apply contact strategies to create a ‘contact centre free’ solution to on-boarding new clients
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Helping your customers deal with arrears in a sensitive way
Let your indebted customers work with you to understand the best and most compliant way to resolve their situation. Using open banking and credit information define affordability and build realistic repayment options or debt solutions
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Improving the journey for prospects that are declined
It’s inevitable that some consumers will not be accepted into your journey. Make sure they are provided with alternatives rather than a dead-end. Route them through to non-lending solutions and offer them a real alternative
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Working with Avant Credit to manage their arrears process.
‘We work with Debtsense to help find solutions for our customers. It helps them better understand their situation using open banking and credit information in an easy and safe way. It allows an assessment of affordability and helps customers find the best long term solution for them’
Frequently asked questions

Debtsense is a product created by the Aryza Group.

Debtsense uses a sophisticated algorithm, developed in conjunction with some of the leading insolvency practitioners, debt management experts and legal professionals to provide outcomes for indebted individuals.

It categorises the data from open banking and credit reference data to create an income and expenditure model in the form of a standard financial statement.  This information is then applied to the advice model in Debtsense and the most appropriate solution is delivered.

We have a strict due diligence process to onboard new solutions providers.  They must be FCA or IPA members.  We monitor their status and performance on a regular basis to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

The information gathered is generated by Experian’s open banking arm Castlight.  They are one of the leading Account Information Service Providers with a record of the highest accuracy level of categorisation of consumer information.

Debtsense also uses Experian for AML checks and credit searches.

Debtsense can be incorporated into your website either as a microservice that is embedded into your existing website and customer journey, or it can be used as a standalone service to manage customers and share data with your CRM systems.

Want to see how it could help your customers